Be Careful…

Be careful of your thoughts, for your thoughts become your words.
Be careful of your words, for your words become your actions.
Be careful of your actions, for your actions become your habits.
Be careful of your habits, for your habits become your character.
Be careful of your character, for your character becomes your destiny.

-unknown author-

Be careful of your destiny , for your destiny become your motive.
Be careful of your motive, for your motive become your drive.
Be careful of your drive, for your drive become your life.
Be careful of your life, for your life become your world..!

James Bright


  1. James Bright said,

    January 3, 2006 at 5:24 am

    I wish to add these stupid lines of mine to your fantastic poem, Alex…. hope you don’t mind…Thanx..

    Be careful of your destiny , for your destiny become your motive.
    Be careful of your motive, for your motive become your drive.
    Be careful of your drive, for your drive become your life.
    Be careful of your life, for your life become your world..!

  2. Alexis Leon said,

    January 3, 2006 at 9:22 am

    Thanks James. With your lines, the poem is more complete and much more meaningful.

  3. James Bright said,

    January 3, 2006 at 3:38 pm

    Dear Alex,
    I really feel honoured when you added my lines to that beautiful poem…
    Thank you very much for your kindness..
    God bless you..

  4. Chacko said,

    January 3, 2006 at 6:27 pm

    Thats a nice poem ..something worth thinking 🙂